我們很歡喜宣布,經過 25 年來佛教界從事佛典電子化的共同努力,「中華電子佛典協會」(Chinese Buddhist Electronic Texts Association,簡稱 CBETA)於 2023 年 8 月 7 日完成設立程序,轉型成為「財團法人佛教電子佛典基金會」(Comprehensive Buddhist Electronic Text Archive Foundation,簡稱 CBETA Foundation 或 CBETA 基金會)。
「中華電子佛典協會」由恆清法師發起,結合佛教界從事佛典電子化的團體及個人,於 1998 年 2 月 15 日成立,並委請「財團法人菩提教育基金會」(1998 年 2 月~2001 年 1 月) 和「財團法人西蓮教育基金會」(2001 年 2 月開始)協助營運。
2021 年底,CBETA 主任委員惠敏法師提出 CBETA 永續發展議題,經恆清法師、法鼓山方丈和尚果暉法師等相關人士討論,開始籌備成立財團法人基金會。繼而財團法人法鼓山佛教基金會(1,300 萬)、西蓮淨苑(500 萬)、靜思人文志業股份有限公司(400 萬)、釋恆清、法雨山普宜苑、釋照印、福嚴精舍、圓光寺、詹益堃、詹益閔、打鼓岩元亨寺等(各 100 萬,依捐助承諾順序記載)共捐助 3,000 萬元整,於 2023 年 4 月 8 日召開捐助人籌備會議,推選釋果毅、釋惠敏、何日生、邱大剛、釋圓悟、釋性儀、釋法持、陳光華、洪振洲等為董事;並召開第一屆董事會,推選釋惠敏為董事長,洪振洲董事兼任執行長。
後續備齊相關文件,向主管機關內政部申請設立全國性宗教財團法人「財團法人佛教電子佛典基金會」,於 2023 年 8 月 7 日完成設立程序。
未來,CBETA 基金會將秉持初衷,繼續建立各種佛教藏經與著作之電子佛典集成數位平台,推動佛教資訊化相關專案,進一步促進佛教數位傳播之交流與發展。
CBETA 基金會的成立是我們邁向電子佛典永續發展的重要一步,期待大家的支持和參與,共同推動佛教的發展,讓我們可以將佛法的智慧與慈悲傳播到更廣大的世界。
財團法人佛教電子佛典基金會 敬上
日期:2023 年 8 月 10 日
Respected Leaders and Friends in the Buddhist Community,
We are pleased to announce that after 25 years of collaborative efforts in digitizing Buddhist texts, the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Texts Association (CBETA) has completed the legal procedures and transitioned into the Comprehensive Buddhist Electronic Text Archive Foundation (CBETA Foundation) on August 7, 2023.
The Chinese Buddhist Electronic Texts Association was initiated by Venerable Hengching, and has brought together groups and individuals dedicated to the digitization of Buddhist texts from the Buddhist community. Founded on February 15, 1998, CBETA subsequently entrusted its operations to the Bodhi Foundation (February 1998 to January 2001) and the Seeland Education Foundation (February 2001 onwards).
By the end of 2021, Director of CBETA Venerable Huimin raised CBETA's sustainability and development issues. After discussions with Venerable Hengching, the Abbot of Dharma Drum Mountain Venerable Guohuei, and other related personnel, CBETA began preparation for the transition. In due course, contributions totaling 30 million TWD were generously made by the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Foundation (13 million TWD), Seeland Monastery (5 million TWD), Jing Si Publishing Co., Ltd. (4 million TWD), and other donors including Venerable Hengching, Fa Yu Shan Pu-yi Yuan Monastery, Venerable Zhaoyin, Fuyan Monastery, Yuan Kuang Ch'an Monastery, Zhan Yikun, Zhan Yimin, and Yuan Heng Temple (each donating 1 million TWD, listed in the order of donation commitment). On April 8, 2023, a preparatory meeting of donors was convened, electing directors including Venerable Guoyi, Venereble Huimin, Her Reysheng, Qiu Dagang, Venerable Yuanwu, Venerable Shingyi, Venerable Fachi, Chen Guanghua, and Hung Jenjou. The first board meeting was held, electing Venerable Huimin as the Chairman and Hung Jenjou as the CEO.
With the necessary documentation, an application was made to the Ministry of the Interior to form the Comprehensive Buddhist Electronic Text Archive Foundation as a national religious foundation. The procedures came to a conclusion on August 7, 2023.
In the future, the CBETA Foundation will uphold its original mission, continuing to create digital platforms for various Buddhist scriptures and writings, promoting Buddhist information technology projects, and further enhancing the digital dissemination of Buddhism.
The formation of the CBETA Foundation marks a significant step towards the sustainability and development of electronic Buddhist texts. We look forward to everyone's support and participation in collectively advancing Buddhism, allowing us to spread the wisdom and compassion contained herein to the world.
We sincerely thank everyone for their long-term support and care. We hope that in the days to come, you will continue to join hands with us as we face the various challenges of this rapidly changing information era.
Wishing everyone good health, and may your wisdom and blessings grow!
With utmost respect,
Comprehensive Buddhist Electronic Text Archive Foundation
Date: August 10, 2023