CBETA 2012 新年公告



CBETA 2012 新年公告

  • 國科會專案——國家圖書館善本佛典
    • 已完成
    • 待完成
  • 大藏經補編(清單詳附件三
    • 已完成
      • 全文1-6冊
    • 待完成
      • 全文7-36冊
  • 新式標點經文
    • 2011光碟已累積完成584部2416卷
    • 截至目前已新增139部508卷(清單詳附件五
  • 經文修訂
    • 2011光碟已累積修訂256410筆
    • 截至目前已新增修訂7664筆
釋惠敏 敬上


Jan. 1, 2011
Dear Friends in the Dharma Realm,
As the end of one year and beginning of a new one approach, it is in the tradition of CBETA to take this opportunity to humbly present the fruition of a year’s hard work, CBETA Version 2012.
Included in Version 2012 are finished works of the digitized and hyperlinked texts as well as microfilm converted images thereof from the Study and Creation of Chinese Treasured Rare Books of Buddhist Tripiṭaka, Taipei Edition, a two year project in cooperation with the National Central Library (NCL) that begun last year, 2010, and Volumes 1 to 6 of the Supplements to the Dazangjing.
In technology development and application, CBETA has further enhanced its website’s user-oriented interactive information retrieval based on previous user experience. For Mac users, Mac offline version is added to jCBReader, the cross-platform Web version CBReader written in JAVA (http://cbeta.org/reader/jcbreader.php), and OPDS (Open Publication Distribution System) is now available for ePub (ePub Electronic Tripiṭaka) (http://cbeta.org/epub_opds.php).
We at CBETA are much in debt to your continuing support and encouragement. Your invaluable comments and feedback will be much appreciated!
Yours in the Dharma,
Huimin Bhikshu
Doctor of Letter, University of Tokyo
Director, Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA) 
President, Dharma Drum Buddhist College (DDBC)
Professor, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)